Easy Methods For Fixing Eyebrow Tint

What to do about eyebrow tint? You put all this effort into getting the tint of your eyebrows just right, only for it to not match the shade as advertised or be too dark.

What can you do about it?

Well, there are a few things that a person should do. There are a few different fixes, each with their own benefits and drawbacks, so we’ll go over them. Eyebrow tint shouldn’t be stressful, so let’s learn how to deal with it if it isn’t perfect.

Eyebrow Tint Will Fade On Its Own

The first fix for eyebrow tint that isn’t quite right? Do nothing. It will take care of itself soon enough.

Fading eyebrow tint is an inevitability with traditional makeup. The rate at which it fades depends on a few factors like seasonal conditions and the tint that you use, but as a general rule tint will begin to fade inside a few days. At most, a week.

What happens is that your skin’s natural oils begin to break down eyebrow tint, along with regular face cleansing and showering. The top layers of tint will flake off and you’ll be left with a lighter, somewhat thinner color. You can then apply light amounts to keep the color as is if you like it or find a different tint to get the result you want.

If your tint looks a little too dark or bold for your tastes but is otherwise fine, just give it a few days.

Use Clarifying Shampoo Or Makeup Remover For Emergency Eyebrow Tint Fixes

If you don’t have time to wait for eyebrow tint to fade, a clarifying shampoo can be used to remove it.

That will strip the tint that’s been applied to eyebrow hair as it removes any chemical buildup of oils, hair products or makeup. Be very careful around the eyes as it is slightly caustic. Brush your eyebrows with some clarifying shampoo on an eyebrow brush or old toothbrush, let it sit for a minute and wash out.

That is for removing all eyebrow tint, however. What if you don’t want to remove all of it?

Use a makeup remover. Oil- or silicone-based products are best and apply it to a makeup pad. Start wiping away excess around the eyebrow. This will start taking away the layer left on the skin. You should be able to lighten the shade pretty quickly.

Set And Forget The Eyebrow Tint With Microblading

Another option is to get microblading treatments instead of applying eyebrow tint. Granted, this method isn’t for everyone but it is a great solution. People with a prominent arch to their eyebrow benefit most, though microblading can be employed for almost anybody.

Microblading is a naturally fading tattoo, much like permanent makeup or a tattoo you’d get anywhere else. However, instead of a single needle, a row of microneedles makes a blade-like formation on the head of the microblading wand. It works just like a tattoo, but only penetrates into the topmost layer of your skin.

After microblading, regular touch-ups are required every few months to keep the color vibrant. Without them, the dye fades away to nothing as your skin sheds and is replaced by a new layer as is the natural process.

If that isn’t permanent enough, you can also resort to permanent makeup.